MASCC invites nurses in supportive cancer care to take advantage of a new initiative, the Year of the Nurse Membership Discount Program. MASCC is offering a 50% discount on membership dues to all nurses, both renewing members and nurses who become new members in 2020. This year-long program honors the World Health Organization’s (WHO) designation of 2020 as ‘Year of the Nurse and Midwife’ in honor of Florence Nightingale, born 200 years ago and considered the founder of modern nursing.
MASCC is proud to announce that the Levine Cancer Institute’s Department of Supportive Oncology at Atrium Health in Charlotte, NC has been recognized as a MASCC-Designated Center of Excellence in Supportive Care in Cancer. This Department is chaired by MASCC Board Member Declan Walsh, MD, MSc, FACP, FRCP (Ed). The certification program recognizes oncology centers that demonstrate best practices in supportive cancer care. The Levine Center Institute’s certification will be presented to the Levine Cancer Institute at this year’s MASCC/ISOO 2020 Annual Meeting being held in Seville, Spain.
2020 The MASCC/ISOO 2020 Annual Meeting focuses on three themes of critical importance in supportive cancer care: models of supportive care, cardio-oncology, and bioethics. There will also be sessions featuring digital health, palliative care, and cancer survivorship, as well as sessions reflecting the interests of MASCC/ISOO Study Groups.
There is still time to submit your research for the MASCC/ISOO 2020 Annual Meeting in Seville, Spain. The late-breaking abstract submission allows submission of recent research results which may not have been ready for presentation at the regular submission deadline or would be findings that complete a comprehensive dataset ready for publication in the journal. Abstracts submitted for the annual meeting will be published in Supportive Care in Cancer (electronic version only). For more information on all abstract submission deadlines and policies, click here.
Late-Breaking Abstract Submissions are open until March 26, 2020, 23:59 CET.
The Oncology Nursing Society has offered MASCC two complimentary registrations to its 2020 Annual Congress, to be held April 29-May 3 in San Antonio, Texas. First come, first served. Please email Melissa Chin at [email protected] by March 20 if you are interested.
2020 We are pleased to introduce MASCC’s new Communications Manager, who succeeds Toni Clark as Website and Society News Editor. Angela joined MASCC on January 2nd and will assume full responsibility for the Society News starting with the March issue. In addition to the News and website editing, Angela will assist with developing and executing communication plans for MASCC, which will include content on our website and social media outlets, and numerous other writing and editing projects.
The Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology (Sociedade Brasileira de Oncologia Clínica, SBOC) hosted the 21st Brazilian Congress of Clinical Oncology (Congresso Brasileiro de Oncologia Clinica) on October 23-26, 2019 in Rio de Janeiro in partnership with the Brazilian Society of Oncological Surgery and the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy. The Congress, directed by Sérgio Simon, MD, PhD, President of SBOC, and Rachel Riechelmann, MD, President of the Scientific Committee, also incorporated the 20th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Oncology Nursing and the 6th International Symposium on Psycho-Oncology, Pre-Congress Courses on Oncogenetics and Immunotherapy, and several other courses (e.g., on legal issues, oncological dentistry, and ocular oncology, among others). The focus of the 2019 Congress was multidisciplinarity, a key element in the success of any cancer treatment and one that increases favorable patient outcomes — in terms of both health and quality of life. The event included dozens of speakers representing numerous specialties. Presentations addressed major advances in the systemic treatment of each tumor type, with modules led by renowned experts.
Chaired by Morten Schiødt, DDS, Dr.Odont (Denmark), the Symposium featured a faculty of 13 widely recognized European experts in MRONJ, who provided updates on recent research in the areas of classification, clinical manifestations, imaging, treatment, and prevention. The speakers included MASCC and ISOO members Bente Brokstad Herlofson, DDS, PhD (Norway) and Ourania Nicolatou-Galitis, DDS, MSc, DrDent (Greece).
2020 World Cancer Day is a global observance that helps raise people’s awareness of cancer and how to prevent, detect, and treat it. This event is held each year on February 4 — a time when people, businesses, governments, and nonprofit organizations work together to help the general public learn more about the different types of cancer, as well as prevention, treatment, and support. The 2019-2021 campaign theme, “I Am and I Will,” stresses empowerment and personal commitment and is intended to inspire change and mobilize action long after the official day has passed. This is also a good time to help spread the word about the importance of supportive cancer care — for people living with cancer, for cancer survivors, for caregivers and for loved ones.
2020 The Oral Medicine Research Laboratory at Atrium Health, North Carolina, has an opening for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. This individual will conduct basic and clinical translational research for genomics related biomarker discovery for oral and systemic diseases, using molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, and microbiology investigation methodologies. Responsibilities include all aspects of research, including protocol and experimental design, study implementation in the laboratory, data analysis and interpretation, grant writing, abstract and manuscript preparation, and presentation at meetings. For further information about essential functions and responsibilities, see Postdoctoral and Research Fellowships. Or contact Dr. Jean-Luc Mougeot (Tel. 1-704-355-4279).
2020 MASCC is pleased to announce the first four MASCC-Designated Centers of Excellence in Supportive Care in Cancer. MASCC’s certification program, initiated in February 2019, aims to promote and recognize oncology centers around the world that demonstrate best practices in supportive cancer care by successfully integrating oncology and supportive care, upholding high standards, and maintaining comprehensive supportive care services. MASCC’s certification program also aims both to educate and to encourage a supportive care focus among oncology healthcare professionals globally. Certification criteria include a supportive care focus in clinical activities, research, and educational initiatives, as well as adherence to international guidelines. Qualifying Centers may apply to MASCC’s Certification Program.
2020 Digital health — the use of technology to improve health and healthcare — is a simple concept, but a broad field that encompasses telehealth and telemedicine, health information technology, mobile health, and personalized medicine. One of its prime aims and benefits is the empowerment of all individuals to make better-informed health decisions by providing accurate and appropriate information as well as options for prevention, early diagnosis, and disease management outside traditional healthcare settings. Digital health products include mobile medical apps, decision support software, wearable devices, and more.
2020 MASCC is pleased to announce four exciting Pre-Conference Workshops to be held at the 2020 MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting. All of the workshops will take place on Thursday, June 25, from 8:00 to 11:00 AM. Workshop attendance requires registration in addition to registration for the Annual Meeting. Register at the official 2020 Annual Meeting website. Early-bird registration rates (for both the conference and the workshops) are in effect until March 10.
2020 The National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) hosted the inaugural Best of MASCC Singapore meeting on November 30, 2019, with the theme of “Supporting Cancer Patients and Survivors.” MASCC Board member Alex Chan, PharmD, MPH, FCCP, BCPS, BCOP, played a key role in organizing this event, the goal of which was to increase awareness of supportive and survivorship care and to advance supportive care practices in Singapore. Raymond Chan, PhD, MAppSc, BNurs, RN, MCNSA, Chair of MASCC’s Survivorship Study Group, delivered the Keynote Address on "Survivorship Issues across the Age Continuum.” Dr. Chan is Chair of Cancer Nursing, Queensland University of Technology and Princess Alexandra Hospital.
2020 The Sapporo Conference for Palliative and Supportive Care in Cancer will be held on August 21-22, 2020 in Sapporo, Japan. The meeting will feature a symposium on opioids and cancer pain, as well as sessions focusing on the integration of oncology and palliative care, spiritual issues in palliative care, and psycho-oncology. Among the featured speakers are MASCC members Eduardo Bruera, MD, FAAHPM, Marvin Delgado-Guay, MD, Betty Ferrell, RN, PhD, MA, FAAN, FPCN, Thomas W. LeBlanc, MD, MA, MHS, FAAHPM, and Takao Takahashi, MD, PhD. The deadline for abstract submission is January 23, 2020. For more information, see Sapporo Conference for Palliative and Supportive Care in Cancer.
2020 Do you have a great idea to improve oncology care? Together with the Oncology Nursing Society, Johnson & Johnson announces the Johnson & Johnson Nurses Innovate QuickFire Challenge in Oncology. Nurses worldwide are invited to submit their innovative ideas aimed at improving oncology care — novel concepts, protocols, treatment approaches, and device ideas that may have the power to profoundly change human health. The nurse innovators with the best idea(s) will receive up to $100,000 in grant funding and access to mentoring and coaching from experts across the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies to help bring their ideas to life.
2020 MASCC is considering the development of an app to allow healthcare professionals to quickly search for guidelines and expert opinions on managing the symptoms and side effects of cancer and its treatments. We would like to put together a MASCC Working Group to explore the possibility of developing such an app and provide input on desirable features. The objective is an easily searchable resource that can be used in the clinic or at the bedside to access current management practices in supportive oncology at the point of care. If you are interested, contact Melissa at [email protected].