23rd Annual Conference on Supportive Care, Hospice, and Palliative Medicine at the MD Anderson Cancer Center
2019 The 23rd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Supportive Care, Hospice, and Palliative Medicine will be held October 18-19, 2019 at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, USA. Palliative and supportive cancer care are critical to the delivery of optimal care to cancer patients. Many clinicians are unaware of the need for whole-patient care from symptom management to quality of life beyond the treatment of the primary disease. Caring for the cancer patient in the advanced stages of disease is especially challenging and includes medical, psychosocial, ethical, and spiritual dimensions. The conference will help participants learn how to implement new techniques and treatments in clinical practice to improve patient care and outcomes. (Complimentary registration for September 2019 Board Review Attendees!)