2019 MASCC has just signed an affiliate agreement with the Associação de Investigação e Cuidados de Suporte em Oncologia (AICSO), the Oncology Supportive Care Research Association in Portugal. AICSO Board member Dr. Andreia Capela has been instrumental in bringing about this partnership, which will increase the memberships of both organizations, support collaboration, and help to promote the goals of supportive care in cancer. AICSO, founded in 2001, is a nonprofit, public interest institution. Its aim is the integration of supportive care resources for cancer patients all along the cancer continuum. In recent years, the organization has been active in promoting an active lifestyle for all patients living with and beyond cancer. To meet its goals, AICSO promotes research programs and professional development in supportive cancer care, as well as helping to educate the public about the importance of supportive care for all cancer patients and survivors. AICSO is led by President Dr. Ana Joaquim and Vice-President Dr. Sandra Custódio who, as well as Dr. Capela, are medical oncologists. Find out more at http://www.aicso.pt.