Editor’s Pick: “A perfect storm and patient-provider breakdown in communication: two mechanisms underlying practice gaps in cancer-related fatigue guidelines implementation”
2021 Throughout the year, we will share articles from the MASCC journal Supportive Care in Cancer. The “Editor’s Pick” section, chosen by the journal’s Editor-In-Chief, Dr. Fred Ashbury, PhD, will cover a variety of topics to meet the many interests of our membership.
This month we feature “A perfect storm and patient-provider breakdown in communication: two mechanisms underlying practice gaps in cancer-related fatigue guidelines implementation.”
Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is a debilitating symptom experienced by many cancer patients. Although guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for screening, assessing, and managing CRF, there is limited evidence of their implementation in practice.
This study explored patients’, healthcare providers’, and community support providers’ experiences and opinions on CRF guidelines and the underlying causes of CRF treatment gaps.