2019 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (JASCC), September 2019, Aomori, Japan
2019 2019 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (JASCC), September 2019, Aomori, Japan
The 4th Annual Meeting of JASCC was held on September 6th and 7th in Aomori, Japan, and was attended by more than 1,000 delegates, including medical and surgical oncologists, radiologists, dentists, pharmacists, physical therapists, nurses, patients, and industry representatives. The meeting was preceded by a presentation for Board members and Councillors on the Medical Information Network Distribution System (MINDS), a method of guideline development.
The program featured plenary sessions, workshops, invited presentations, Study Group activities, and a JASCC-MASCC Joint Session chaired by MASCC President Rajesh V. Lalla, DDS, PhD, and JASCC President Kazuo Tamura, MD, PhD, who is also a MASCC Board member. Matti S. Aapro, MD, served as Special Advisor for the session. Joint session presentations included the following:
• Jun Noritake, MD: Healthcare and Hospital Management System in Thailand
• Vivian P. Enriquez, MD: Our Management of CINV vs MASCC CINV Guidelines for High Emetogenic Chemotherapy: A Comparison
• Mitsue Saito, MD, PhD, MBA: Collaboration among Asian Countries in Providing Supportive Care for Cancer Patients.
In another session, Dr. Lalla spoke on Management of Oral Mucositis Due to Cancer Therapy. This session was chaired by Toshiaki Saeki, MD, PhD, who is Vice-President of JASCC.
Similar to the MASCC model, JASCC has 17 Study Groups, each of which was allotted a one-hour meeting and a dedicated poster session. Lectures for cancer survivors and the general public were also presented and were attended by many adolescents and young adults, as well as older individuals. A reception for all attendees was held at the Nebuta Museum, dedicated to the history and charm of the annual Nebuta Festival of floats.
JASCC has grown rapidly since its first Annual Meeting in 2016, attended by 200 delegates. JASCC and MASCC both look forward to a joint Annual Meeting, June 24-26, 2021, in Yokohama. Save the date!