Four Centers Named Centers of Excellence in Supportive Care in Cancer
2020 MASCC is pleased to announce the first four MASCC-Designated Centers of Excellence in Supportive Care in Cancer. MASCC’s certification program, initiated in February 2019, aims to promote and recognize oncology centers around the world that demonstrate best practices in supportive cancer care by successfully integrating oncology and supportive care, upholding high standards, and maintaining comprehensive supportive care services. MASCC’s certification program also aims both to educate and to encourage a supportive care focus among oncology healthcare professionals globally. Certification criteria include a supportive care focus in clinical activities, research, and educational initiatives, as well as adherence to international guidelines. Qualifying Centers may apply to MASCC’s Certification Program.
The first round of applications has resulted in the naming of four centers as MASCC-Designated Centers of Excellence in Supportive Care in Cancer for the period 2020 to 2023:
- Département d’Oncologie Médicale et Soins de Support Hôpital Foch, Suresnes, France
- Terapie di supporto al paziente oncologico - Oncologia Medica, Polo Oncologico, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana
- Oncology-Supportive Care in Cancer Unit, Cure di Supporto al Paziente Fondazione IRCCS, Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, Italy
- Division of Cancer Services, Metro South Health – Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queensland, Australia
MASCC-Designated Centers of Excellence may use the MASCC logo on marketing and advertising related to the center or program and may use the title “A MASCC-Designated Center of Excellence in Supportive Care in Cancer.”
The official announcement of certification will take place at the 2020 MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting in Seville, during the Welcome Reception on Friday, June 25th.
The Certification Program Committee is chaired by Carla Ida Ripamonti, MD, who played an important role in the development of this initiative. She is a MASCC Board Member, President of the Italian Network of Supportive Care in Cancer (NICSO), and Head of the Supportive Care in Cancer Unit at the Fondazione IRCCS, Instituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan, Italy. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. For information and an application, see Policies and Forms on the MASCC website or contact the MASCC Office.