Join the New Working Group on Patient-Reported Symptom Monitoring
2021 Our Oncodermatology Study Group is excited to announce the creation of a new Working Group on patient-reported symptom monitoring led by Dr Iris Walraven and Dr Corina van den Hurk.
Following the excellent results of the randomized trial from Ethan Basch, there are currently many initiatives to monitor patient-reported symptoms during and after treatment. However, there is currently no international consensus on core symptom subsets and comparable methods to monitor these symptoms during and after treatment. This currently leads to a variety of initiatives and everyone ‘reinventing the wheel’. Furthermore, all the excellent data gathered might not be comparable to use in studies.
The main goal of this working group is therefore to reach international consensus on core subsets to monitor patient-reported symptoms during and after treatment. Secondary aims are to create sustainable research collaborations in which we can pool patient-reported symptom data and create novel statistical models to predict symptom worsening during and after treatment.
If you would like to join the Working Group, please get in touch with Iris Walraven at [email protected]. Members from all Study Groups are welcome to participate!